Donations Needed for Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday!
Greetings: We are looking for donations for the children’s egg hunt at HMBB on March 29th. We additional need filled eggs or donations of small toys or candy for the children to hunt. If you are attending with children please bring a bag or basket for them to hunt with. We will also be hosting an egg hunt for adults after court and before dinner. We have an assortment of adult prizes to be given away.
Mistress Katherine and Lady Zjerlaine
The Baronage is now accepting letters of intent for Baronial Notables!
Their Excellencies would like the populace to notify them if they wish to compete at Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday for the positions of: Armored, Rapier, A&S, and Archery Champion. Please send your letters to Baron Hrothgar and Baroness Isabella within the next week if possible. Thank you for your cooperation!
Canton of Moorhaven is having a Silent Auction at HMBB!!
Take a look at all the wonderful items that are up to purchase:
Baronial Officers and Deputies are needed!
For more information-please contact the Seneschal at
Their Excellencies Continue to solicit awards nominations from the populace. Please consult the following resources for more information: