Moorhaven’s Holliday Get-together and Meeting
Dec. 2018
Hidden Mountain’s 34th Birthday &
Investiture of Mistress Jorunn nic Lochlainn
April 27-29 – Bennettsville, SC
The Barony was honored to have the Presence of HRM Una for this birthday Celebration!
The Baronial Court gave out multiple awards and selected their new champions
The Pinnacle was given to Lord Owen Mac Alister
The Crimson Mountain was awarded to Lord Pippin the Red
The Order of the Pinnacle was given to Lady Elizabet Walker In the
The Order of the Pinnacle was awarded to Lord Paul Lorenson
The Baron’s Award of Excellence was given to Lady Esme Bramley.
Baronial champions are:
- Youth Combat – Michael Robertson
- Youth Archery – Nii Meiko
- Youth A&S – Meghan Pippinsdaughter
- A&S – Lady Yvonna Mont Clair Archery – Lady Slaine
- Rapier – Lady Isabella Arabellasdaughter
- Heavy – Pippin the Red
- Bardic – Rianna Pippinsdaughter
The event was wonderful! Great weather for all the exciting activities – games for the kids, lots of fighting and of course FOOD. Then there was the Vigil of now Mistress Jorunn nic Lochlainn Hidden Mountains new Laurel with spectacular court!
Homewood Elementary School Demo
April 20, 2018
Heavy Fighting was viewed by a packed auditorium. Later kids had a chance to test out the armour.
Sewing, spinning and weaving were also shared with the children.
A bit if medieval cooking was shared
Games were enjoyed by everyone, including Nine Man Morris and a May Pole.
All photos curtsy of Lady Katherine of the Doves.
Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday – March 25, 2017
KASF – March 4, 2017
We were well represented at the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival in Greenville, SC. Lady Katherine of the Doves, Lady Umm Samin, and Lady Elizabeth, as well as Baroness Asta Knarrarbringa and many more Hidden Mountain members. Lady Katherine held a lovely ceremony during court inducting a new page into the academy.
Awards were given to many for their lovely projects. Moorhaven’s Umm Samin was selected as the winner of the Inter-Baronial A & S competition her painting “The Mideival Village”.
(c) Prints will be available, contact the web minister
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