Welcome to the Barony of Hidden Mountain!
This is the page to visit if you are new to the Barony, or to the SCA itself. If you are not sure you have found the right group, you can check out this list of all the local groups in the Kingdom of Atlantia.
Or you can look up your group by address here.
The chatelain is the go to person for those new to the Barony or the SCA itself. Please contact the person listed in the Officers list on this webpage.
Our Barony has three subgroups, (cantons) whose members not only participate in Kingdom and Baronial events but also in their own local activities. They are: The Canton of Tear-Sea’s Shore and The Canton of Moorhaven.
Please come to any of our Baronial or Canton meetings or events – we will do our best to make you feel comfortable. If you want to attend an event and don’t have garb (medieval clothing), we have a loner closet called “Gold Key“. Let the chatelaine of your group know in advance and some clothing will be available for you to use.
Joining the SCA provides you with some benefits, such as voting privileges, access to Kingdom Newsletters as well as a reduced cost for events.
You don’t have to wait until a meeting or event to check us out. Here are a few links that will introduce the SCA to you.
- Some good info here about the crowns of Atlantia and their heirs.
- Society for Creative Anachronism Newcomer’s Portal, this is an SCA wide site with lots of good information.
- Kingdom of Atlantia’s Chatelaine Page, the chatelaine is the person responsible for newcomers’ relations. If you want to know something this is the person to start asking.
- New members Information link. More good information here.
- SCA Organizational Rules and Policies
- Official rank and titles in the SCA – How to address peers properly
- An Unofficial Glossary of Terms As used in the SCA
- University of Atlantia
- Order of Precedence
- Awards Recommendations and Polling
Ask a Question
If you would like to talk to someone about our group, or the SCA itself, you can contact the Baronial Seneschal at seneschal@hiddenmountain.atlantia.sca.org
See Baronial Officers list for additional contact information.
All external links are not part of the Barony of Hidden Mountain’s web site. Inclusion of a page or site here is neither implicit nor explicit endorsement of the site. Further, SCA. Inc. is not responsible for content outside of https://hiddenmountain.atlantia.sca.org