Meeting Minutes 1-21-23
Meeting started late at 6:30 pm via a Zoom Meeting.
In attendance – Lord Pippin (Ollie), Mistress Tegan, Master Geoffrey, Timothy Ryan, Lord Aleyn Brus, Tyler and Rebekah, Baroness Bridget, Mistress Adendra, Sir Hrothgar and Lady Chastity, Lady Esme, Mistress Alisoun, Baron Robert, Mistress Jorunn (Names taken from Zoom display)
Officer Reports
Master Geoffrey –Exchequer – Barony has $9,087.79 minus $260.00 sent to pay for the Florence Storage Unit.
- Doomsday report has been filed with Kingdom.
- Financial Policy, previously posted on Baronial FB page for review. Any changes? A motion was made that it be approved as is, with no changes. Unanimous vote to accept, and motion carried.
- $1,040.00 was paid to THLady Constantia for the feast of Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday so she may purchase the food needed to do all the precooking needed for the feast with the condition that all receipts are turned in after the event.
- HMBB – Has 8 Comps and 16 paid reservations to date. I will accept reservations this weekend at Manannan, but I need exact change in cash. No plastic.
- Silver Chalice needs an autocrat so the check to reserve the site can be written and sent. Please keep me apprised.
- Completing the financial report for HMBB and quarterly reports will be my last actions as Baronial Exchequer. My warrant expires March 31. If you are interested in the position please contact me via EMAIL, PHONE OR BANGING ON MY DOOR – ONLY. No texts, or FB messages.
Mistress Alisoun – Herald – Nothing to report.
If any votes that are held during this meeting, please count mine as all ‘yea’. (Had audio issues with computer and had to sign off).
Lord Pippin – Seneschal – The Hidden Mountain Baronial Policies of 2021 have been posted on the Baronial FB page for review. We will discuss any updates at the February meeting on the 25th.
Mistress Jorunn – Webmistress – Still working on broken aliases to include the Cantons. Should be complete soon. The most recent Mayhem has been uploaded to the website.
Old Business
Mistress Jorunn Autocrat/Event Steward – Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday and Investiture (HMBB&I) – Staff has regular meetings on a Zoom to report status and any changes. Insurance Cert on file with the Girl Scout Camp per discussion with Chris, contact at the site. He also informed us it is a wet site. THLady Constantia is working hard on the feast. She has had to make adjustments due to the price of food going up. There are two A&S classes, see web page for details. I have sent the event announcement to all the FB pages of the Southern Baronies, Kingdom of Meridies Barony of South Downs, and the two Kingdom Announcements and Merry Rose FB pages. Will continue to send as updates occur.
-Mistress Tegan asked a question about Champion competitions at the current event because someone thought in previous instances of Baronage turnover it was somehow included in the Investiture event. As autocrat for this event, I am facilitating Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday, a celebration of the inception of the Barony. When the new Baron and Baroness are announced, I, as autocrat, will work with them at that time to include in the event any decisions about champions they have, in addition to, what is already planned.
Baroness Bridget – Baronage Report – There will be a day shade set up at Nottinghill Coill Baronial Birthday (NCBB) and she would like items for a sideboard at the event. She requested largesse for the basket she will give at NCBB and will accept donations at Tourney of Manannan MacLir on the 28th and the morning of NCBB.
Mistress Adendra said she’d donate her homemade soap.
Mistress Adendra -Autocrat/Event Steward for Tourney of Manannan MacLir requested reservations be in her hand Tuesday at the latest of next week, the 24th in order for her to include in the event. If you want a place at the feast please contact Mistress Alisoun (see event flyer for info). Help is needed for tent set up on the field and hall decoration. There will be no Royals at event, just our Baronage. There are 4 competitions. The two fighting competitions for the Broaches have a boasting competition challenge for each fighter, they may have someone else do the boasting for them. The winner of this competition will win a homemade knit hat by Mistress Adendra herself. Mistress Alisoun and Master Geoffrey are supplying prizes for their sponsored A&S activities. Youth fighting, previously left off schedule, will take place a 1 p.m., during the lunch break.
New Business
No New Business
Adendra said she will post the Tear Sea’s Shore Financial Policies for discussion at the next Canton meeting.
Lord Pippin – Final words from Seneschal
There are 4 positions either vacant or soon will be. Please consider volunteering to replace the current folks. These are important positions for the Barony.
Lord Wulfgar asked a question about how does one find out about the responsibility and duties of each position.
Lord Pippin offered a synopsis version be placed on the Baronial webpage. Mistress Jorunn recommended to go to the Kingdom Webpage under the Governing Documents section and look through the Kingdom of Atlantia Book of Policy which describes the duties for each position by the Kingdom officer. It was also mentioned that any of the previous officers would be glad to share with them what the duties are.
Positions Open or soon will be:
MOAS (Minister of Arts and Sciences)
Reminder to complete your polling. Contact Lord Pippin if you have any questions.
Motion was made that the meeting be closed. Motion seconded and unanimous vote was had. Meeting ended 7:04 pm
Minutes compiled from Zoom video by Jorunn.