We have heavy fighting, rapier, archery and thrown weapons within the Barony
The Knight Marshall of the Barony coordinates all the martial practices within the Barony and can answer any questions you many have about Hidden Mountain’s practices, protective gear requirements, or other issues.
The dates, locations and times of all practices will be on the Baronial Calendar and most likely will also be mentioned on the Barony’s Facebook Page. Be sure to check these out since practices may change due to local events, or inclement weather.
The header image for this page was drawn by Sir Hrothgar Ravensson, and used with his permision.
All external links are not part of the Barony of Hidden Mountain’s web site. Inclusion of a page or site here is neither implicit nor explicit endorsement of the site. Further, SCA. Inc. is not responsible for content outside of https://baronyofhiddenmountain.atlantia.sca.org