Hidden Mountain Business Meeting
February 25, 2023
Meeting started at 6:11
All on Zoom meeting – Mistress Alisoun, Mistress Jorunn, Baron Robert, Master Geoffrey, Lord Seiffrid, Lord Wulfgar, Lady Anastasiia, Lady Constantia, Lady Isabella, Sir Hrothgar, Lady Ysabeau, Mistress Adendra, MistressTegan
Seneschal Report – Lord Pippin – No news. The following officer positions are either open or will be open in the near future: Chronicler, Minister of Arts and Sciences, Chatelaine, Exchequer (see Master Geoffrey’s report), Knight Marshal
Discussion on importance of filling the Chronicler position. The status of the Barony is at stake. We need to recruit. Discussion on Knight Marshal office coming available when Sir Hrothgar steps up as Baron. Sir Heinrich had previously considered it but wanted to get familiar with the rules and regulations. As Canton knight marshal he has gained that experience and may be a possible candidate. Sir Heinrich was not available for input.
Herald Report, Mistress Alisoun – She will be doing heraldic consult tables, to include Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday and Investiture. She will be holding others in upcoming events. She is willing for Zoom consultations for heraldry as well. No submissions to report.
Webmistress Report, Mistress Jorunn – The website has a new tab that contains the business meeting minutes. There have been no reports of the alias links not working, but another review will take place in a month. Need the dates of the baronial meetings out 6 months to update the Calendar.
Report from the Baronial Exchequer – Master Geoffrey
As of this date, the Baronial Checking Account contains $8994.79.
We have rental of the current storage locker in Florence SC until April 30. 2023. We should discuss further where and how much new storage will cost and arrange for a transfer date for any contents after Investiture and before the end of April.
I have released the budgeted amount ($1,040) for HMBB&I Feast to Lady Constantia; she will provide me with all receipts and any leftover cash at the end of the event. If anyone else requires funds “up-front” before the event, speak now. Otherwise give me receipts at the event.
We will need an Autocrat, a date and site for the next Baronial Event, Silver Chalice, and I will need to write a check to reserve the site for that shortly. Please keep me advised.
My warrant as Baronial Exchequer expires March 31, 2023. No one has come forth expressing an interest in taking over the office. I am willing to take one more term as Exchequer, to keep the Barony legal. The Barony WILL find a Deputy to be trained as Exchequer over that period. Play Rock-Paper-Scissors until someone ultimately looses if you have to. The person has to be over the age of 18, not related to or household member of any of the other officers or signatories on the account, and able to tell an 8 from a 3, and add them. Anyone who is interested in the position should contact me in writing / e-mail, with their contact information and expressing their willingness to assume the position.
Also – I want to recommend to the Barony that they consider investing in a set of pop-up day shades and tables and folding chairs for the various infrastructure we are expected to provide at our events (Troll, MoL, Youth Activities, A&S, Heraldic Consult, etc.) and stop depending on the two oldest members of the group to schlepp their own property to every event to make up the infrastructure. Please consider appointing a Chamberlain to take responsibility for storage and transport of such items, as well as list boundary markers, directional signs and other essential event STUFF. (Rant ended).
Geoffrey d’Ayr, Exchequer
Troll Report for Investiture:
As of Thursday morning, we have 8 comp and 42 paid registrations; 8 comp and 34 registered for feast, with 62 seats remaining, and 8 comp and 26 paid for cabin spaces, with 37 spaces available. BUT I have 22 promissory reservations for site, feast and cabin, dropping the available numbers especially for cabin space.
In the absence of SCArs, all payment must be in cash, check, Money Order or bank check, mailed to me and received by Midnight, Wednesday, March 22, 2023. The only True reservation is a Paid reservation.
Knight Marshal Report, Sir Hrothgar – Nothing to report other than what has already been discussed in relation to position replacement.
Nextcellencies, Lady Isabella and Sir Hrothgar – Looking forward to future projects. We need to make greater efforts in growth for our Barony.
Old Business – Hidden Mountain Baronial Birthday and Investiture Event Status Report/Mistress Jorunn –– Jorunn reviewed the event from the website information for the benefit of the meeting. A recommendation for a Royal liaison was made and accepted, Lady Anastasia volunteered and was gratefully accepted.
Seneschal, Lord Pippin – Policy Review – upon review, some changes were requested. They will be made and an interim Zoom will be available for final review prior to the next meeting.
Review of Baronial Meeting Calendar dates out to July 2023.
March 11, 6 pm, Zoom, April 8th 6 pm, Zoom – May 13th 6 pm, Zoom,
Discussion and Consensus to move meeting from Saturday to Sunday evening 6 pm, Zoom – June 4th, 6pm, Zoom, July 9th 6 pm, Zoom
Motion to close at 7:58 – Motion seconded, all in favor, Meeting closed at 7:58.
Minutes taken by Mistress Jorunn