Welcome to the Canton of Moorhaven
We are one of the three Cantons of the Barony of Hidden Mountain. Our Seneschal is The Honorable Mistress Kathryn of the Doves. All of our fighter practices, arts and sciences get-togethers and meetings will be listed on the Barony’s Calendar , and usually on our Facebook page as well.
We are the Canton of Moorhaven, based in Myrtle Beach, Conway and all surrounding coastal areas of South Carolina. Our members come from the zip codes below.
If you aren’t from one of these zip codes in the form below, check the other Cantons to see if you belong there. You can also contact our Chatelaine for more information.
Seneschal: Kathrine la Douce
Deputy Seneschal: Esme Bramley
Exchequer: Carlin of Eastwind
Knight Marshal: Hrothgar Ravensson
Minister of Arts and Sciences: Esme Bramley
Chatelaine: Vacant
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